cover art:
That fuckin Toad
by Rodrigo Cifuentes

Rodrigo Cifuentes was born in Jalisco, Mexico in 1980 to Spanish descendants who immigrated during the 1930s. Growing up in a violent landscape shaped his pictorial temper. He further developed this at the National School of Painting, Sculpture and Graphics; La Esmeralda (ENPEG) in Mexico City.
Cifuentes' work first permeated the public arena in 2001 when he was selected for sponsorship at the Mexican Art Festival Expresarte, today his works are also part of the Secretaria de Hacienda y Crédito Público Museum Collection.
As an emerging Mexican artist, Cifuentes analyzes the dichotomy of the Latin American myth and the American dream in his society. The deafening presence of an expressionist scream speaks to that social discontent, approaching such subjects as the unreachability of the American dream, loss of innocence, and mass consumption.
Rodrigo Cifuentes currently lives and works in Queretaro, Mexico.
Copyright © 2005 by Rodrigo Cifuentes