cover art:
The Real Winnie
by Bom.K

Born in 1973 in the southern suburbs of Paris, Bom.k fell into graffiti at the age of 17, via the sacrosanct bibles Spraycan Art and Subway Art by James Prigoff, Henry Chalfant and Martha Cooper. Under the influence of the pioneers at the time, he was introduced to the grammar of movement on the walls, vacant lots and trains in his neighborhood, where he multiplied the tags, flops and lettering/character frescoes with strong New York inspiration.
In 1999, he founded the collective Da Mental Vaporz with Iso and began to produce more personal and intimate graffiti. Padded isolation rooms, nightmarish concrete bars, emaciated B.boys with a sinister look. The universe he develops on huge frescoes is like his world: raw, dirty, violent, peri-urban.
Since then, Bom.k has expanded its infernal bestiary and multiplied artistic experiences outside industrial wastelands. He held his first exhibitions (Paris, Denmark, Los Angeles, Berlin, etc.), published a noted illustration book, and created statuettes, prints and posters that he scattered all around him.
Today, his work focuses on cinemascope format canvases, on which he spreads his imagination, the themes that are dear to him and to cite only one among many others, the famous insane Aerotics, with naked bodies and hybrid sexual chimeras that seem like escapes from a Francis Bacon, plus Gonzo imagery. If stared at long enough, they seem to breathe, come to life, and crawl towards the viewer.
Copyright © by Bom.K